personal style
In my own personal journey of using clothing as a tool I have found three main categories that now make up my definition of personal style. The first category is that my personal style is how I dress to express my emotions and self to the world. This includes how I like my clothing to fit, the colors I feel confident in, and the aesthetic that I curate through my outfits. My second category for personal style are the personal needs that I have from clothing that if a garment is going to be in my wardrobe is has to be suitable for the majority of the following: living in a northern climate, working on machines, working in a traditional office setting, presentable when teaching, and I need clothing that fits my body so that I can go through the day without adjusting or feeling physically uncomfortable by the fit of my clothing. My wardrobe needs to work for all of these situations and environments in order for my personal style to be possible. Finally, personal style includes my personal values, beliefs, and culture. This can also be considered worn values (Fletcher, 2013). Every person has their own personal style and their own values, and I believe these are one in the same, and should be expressed through clothing.


Find Systems that Match Your Values: Every garment made has an impact on economies, environments, social structures, and cultures. By finding production systems that match your values you can choose how those economies, environments, social structures, and cultures are impacted. Find the systems that match your values and support them! Every single thing you purchase has an impact, make it one that reflects and represents you!
Check out these resources to learn more:
This is going to take time and effort, but it is worth it! Look at our RESEARCH page to learn more.
Start slowly! Choose your number one priority and follow it. If you want to reduce your negative footprint on the natural environment look at production systems that share that same value. the same goes for resilient economies, equal social systems, and celebrating different cultures.
Be a Part of Production: This is your clothing, be a part of it! Make it exactly what you want! Being able to create a garment and make every decision from beginning to end is empowering as a wearer. Every decision reflects your personal preferences, aesthetic, and personal values. Whether it's knitting, weaving, sewing, felting, pattern making, or draping, using your skills to show your style, make what you want, and express your personal values is a powerful expression of self.
How to apply this to your closet?
If you have the skills, USE THEM!
No matter if you are a beginner or have been making clothes for a lifetime, all skills are helpful and should be celebrated and USED when making your closet.
Alter, Edit, Update: You may love your clothing, but sometimes they need a freshening up or edit to make them perfect. Hemming, taking seams in and out, adding pockets, extra flourishes, and little details that make you smile is what makes your garments solely yours.
How to apply this to your closet?
If you have the skills, USE THEM!
No matter if you are a beginner or have been making clothes for a lifetime, all skills are helpful and should be celebrated and USED when making your closet.


Alter, Edit, Update: You may love your clothing, but sometimes they need a freshening up or edit to make them perfect. Hemming, taking seams in and out, adding pockets, extra flourishes, and little details that make your garments fit your body and lifestyle are perfect edits to keep your clothes in the wearing rotation. Learning these skills or taking your clothes to someone that has these skills elongates the life of your clothing and creates garments that better fit you.
How to apply this to your closet?
You will wear clothing for the rest of your life, make sure it's the clothing you want to live in.
Take classes to learn these skills or go to professionals or friends who can use their skills to help you get a perfect closet for your life.

Maintain Your Clothes in Your Style: At some point, your garments are going to need to be mended and maintained so that you can continue to wear them. When mending your clothing think about your personal style. Do you want to show off your mend, do you want it invisible, do you want it to be a little cheeky, or keep your mends in a specific color scheme. Your mending style should match your personal
How to apply this to your closet?
Look for inspiration for what works for you.
Pinterest and Instagram, are great places to start.
#visiblemending, #sashikomending, #invisiblemending
Learn how to mend, alter, darn, and patch and USE those skills.
Learn more about the benefits of mending: CLICK HERE

Say Goodbye, Somethings You Just Don't Need: Knowing your personal style also means that you know what to say "no" to. There are some things in each of our closets that don't fit our bodies, lifestyles, or personal aesthetic anymore, and it's time to say goodbye to them! Garments also hold memories, some memories bring back feelings that feel more like baggage than encouragement, getting rid of those garments also mean that every time you look in your closet you no longer have to look at bad memories or emotions.
How to apply this to your closet?
There are countless resources that help you navigate getting rid of garments you no longer need. Find one that works for you.